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Application Hosting

Specializing in hosting of SCO Unix and Linux servers

You can move your filePro application to the Cloud and avoid buying or maintaining a server.

Ion Software can host your filePro application on one of our secure servers in the Cloud for a fraction of the cost of owning your own server. You do not have to buy a server and we handle backing up your server and maintaining the hardware.

Your application will be accessible over a secure, encrypted connection from anywhere with an Internet connection. You can also print your outputs/reports to printers located in your office. We also have an option to print any report to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file and have that pop up on your screen.

Our staff handles the maintenance of the servers and backups of your applications at our secure data processing center. Your application is available 24 hours a day.

Prices start at $259 per month, and short-term contracts are available. Contact us for a quote to modernize your server and move to the cloud.

FilePro Authorized