Contact Sound Ideas, Aperion, or your dealer to upgrade.
Download Instructions
Revision vs Version Upgrades
If you are downloading and installing a newer revision of the same version of a package (ex: 02.00.05 versus 02.00.03), all of your configuration settings and licensing should remain intact.
If the version you are installing is different from the version you have licensed (ex: 6.0 versus 5.0), it will require a new license for the new version (contact your dealer or Sound Ideas to upgrade).
UNIX Server Downloads
- Click on the appropriate download button for the desired product for your UNIX operating system version and specify the location in which the downloaded file should be saved.
- If you downloaded the file to your PC, you will need to move it to the UNIX server (usually to the /tmp directory). If you do not know how to move this file, contact your network administrator.
- Once the downloaded file is on your UNIX system, decompress it with one of the following commands (substituting filename with the name of the downloaded file). Note that the end of the filename must either be a capital Z or a lowercase gz, depending on the type of file that was downloaded:
.Z Extension: compress -d /tmp/filename.Z
.gz Extension: gunzip /tmp/filename.gz
Note that the name of the file is no longer followed by .Z or .gz once it is decompressed.
- Make the file executable by typing: chmod 755 /tmp/filename
- Execute the downloaded file by typing: /tmp/filename
This will extract temporary files and will execute the installation program. Note that installation of this software on a system which already has the package installed will not affect any existing data or settings, it will just update the programs.
PC Client Downloads
Click on the appropriate download button for the desired product for MS Windows and specify the folder in which the downloaded file should be saved.
Double-click the downloaded installation program file to run it.